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DebugTools.razor (2969B)

      1 @page "/Debug"
      2 @using MatrixRoomUtils.Core.Interfaces
      3 @using MatrixRoomUtils.Core.Extensions
      4 @using System.Reflection
      5 @inject ILocalStorageService LocalStorage
      6 @inject NavigationManager NavigationManager
      7 <h3>Debug Tools</h3>
      8 <hr/>
      9 @if (Rooms.Count == 0)
     10 {
     11     <p>You are not in any rooms!</p>
     12     @* <p>Loading progress: @checkedRoomCount/@totalRoomCount</p> *@
     13 }
     14 else
     15 {
     16     <details>
     17         <summary>Room List</summary>
     18         @foreach (var room in Rooms)
     19         {
     20             <a style="color: unset; text-decoration: unset;" href="/RoomStateViewer/@room.Replace('.', '~')"><RoomListItem RoomId="@room"></RoomListItem></a>
     21         }
     22     </details>
     24 }
     26 <details open>
     27     <summary>Send GET request to URL</summary>
     28     <div class="input-group">
     29         <input type="text" class="form-control" @bind-value="get_request_url" placeholder="URL">
     30         <button class="btn btn-outline-secondary" type="button" @onclick="SendGetRequest">Send</button>
     31     </div>
     32     <br/>
     33     <pre>@get_request_result</pre>
     34 </details>
     36 <div style="margin-bottom: 4em;"></div>
     37 <LogView></LogView>
     39 @code {
     40     public List<string> Rooms { get; set; } = new();
     41     protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
     42     {
     43         await LocalStorageWrapper.LoadFromLocalStorage(LocalStorage);
     44         await base.OnInitializedAsync();
     45         if (RuntimeCache.CurrentHomeServer == null)
     46         {
     47             NavigationManager.NavigateTo("/Login");
     48             return;
     49         }
     50         Rooms = (await RuntimeCache.CurrentHomeServer.GetJoinedRooms()).Select(x=>x.RoomId).ToList();
     51         Console.WriteLine("Fetched joined rooms!");
     52     }
     55     //send req
     56     string get_request_url { get; set; } = "";
     57     string get_request_result { get; set; } = "";
     58     private async Task SendGetRequest()
     59     {
     60         var field = typeof(IHomeServer).GetRuntimeFields().First(x => x.ToString().Contains("<_httpClient>k__BackingField"));
     61         var httpClient = field.GetValue(RuntimeCache.CurrentHomeServer) as HttpClient;
     62         try
     63         {
     64             var res = await httpClient.GetAsync(get_request_url);
     65             if (res.IsSuccessStatusCode)
     66             {
     67                 if(res.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType == "application/json")
     68                     get_request_result = (await res.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<object>()).ToJson();
     69                 else
     70                     get_request_result = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
     71                 StateHasChanged();
     72                 return;
     73             }
     74             if(res.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType == "application/json")
     75                 get_request_result = $"Error: {res.StatusCode}\n" + (await res.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<object>()).ToJson();
     76             else
     77                 get_request_result = $"Error: {res.StatusCode}\n" + await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
     79         }
     80         catch (Exception e)
     81         {
     82             get_request_result = $"Error: {e}";
     83         }
     84         StateHasChanged();
     85     }
     87 }