Index.razor (804B)
1 @page "/" 2 @using MatrixRoomUtils.Web.Shared.IndexComponents 3 @inject NavigationManager NavigationManager 4 @inject ILocalStorageService LocalStorage 5 6 <PageTitle>Index</PageTitle> 7 8 <h3>Rory&::MatrixUtils</h3> 9 Small collection of tools to do not-so-everyday things. 10 11 <br/><br/> 12 <h5>Signed in accounts - <a href="/Login">Add new account</a></h5> 13 <hr/> 14 <form> 15 @foreach (var (token, user) in RuntimeCache.LoginSessions) 16 { 17 <IndexUserItem User="@user"/> 18 } 19 </form> 20 21 @code 22 { 23 protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() 24 { 25 if (!RuntimeCache.WasLoaded) 26 { 27 Console.WriteLine("[INDEX] !!! LOCALSTORAGE WAS NOT LOADED !!!"); 28 await LocalStorageWrapper.LoadFromLocalStorage(LocalStorage); 29 } 30 await base.OnInitializedAsync(); 31 } 32 }